7 Secrets to Finding Traumatic Brain Injury Support

Without Spending Too Much Time and Effort!

Hi, I’m Erin!

I am a traumatic brain injury survivor, wife, mom, daughter, and friend. I my background is in education and instructional coaching and mentoring.

I am inspired to help fellow brain injury survivors find answers, resources, hope, and peace throughout their own journey.

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Using The Wahls Protocol To Improve TBI Recovery

Using The Wahls Protocol To Improve TBI Recovery

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common condition that can cause long-lasting physical and cognitive impairments. Fortunately, recent research has shown that The Wahls Protocol, a diet and lifestyle approach developed by Dr. Terry Wahls, can be effective in improving TBI recovery outcomes. My nutritionist taught me about The Wahls Protocol about a month after…

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7 Ways to Manage Your TBI

Surviving a traumatic brain injury can be a life-changing experience. The path to healing can be challenging. With the right tools and support, you can begin to manage your TBI recovery and find hope for the future. I’m share seven ideas in that I found very beneficial after I had my traumatic brain injury. I…

5 Reasons to Attend the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation HeadStrong Walk

5 Reasons to Attend the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation HeadStrong Walk

Brain injuries are often isolating, so it’s important TBI survivors connect with others with shared experiences. The San Diego Brain Injury Foundation hosts its annual HeadStrong Walk event held in San Diego, California each March. The event raises awareness and funds for brain injury survivors and their families. HeadStrong includes a 5K walk and a…